Friday, March 11, 2011

Ah, and the inexhaustible comic material continues to flow in...

Antique rifle found after police raid Charlie Sheen's home


Charlie Sheen Reacts to Police Raid: “It Wasn’t Even My Machete”

Get on board people:

50 Cent to donate Gaddafi money to UNICEF

UPDATE1-S.Africa orders freeze on Gaddafi's assets

Well, that only took like, what, six weeks?  Do you suppose they did a "last call"?  Gaddafi was like, "Okay, I'll take 2 billion in diamonds, 1 billion in AK-47's and French land mines, and a dozen tulips... and then just close me out, last name is Gaddafi, with a Q or a G or something.  You know what, it may be under Hannibal Knowles, check that."

Ah, South Africa, Libya, International Women's Day, and Apartheid Week: how I could tie together a biting narrative of hypocrisy, the hijacking of the term liberal, and false syllogisms feeding pseudo-intellectual opinions chalked with more logical ellipses than a Klein bottle.  But then that would just be me making fun of my friends (oh and anyone from Europe), and that's hardly the point here.

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